Upcoming events.
Shop will be closed until further notice while I relocate.
The shop on this website will be closed while I relocate my residence and studio. any questions please contact me through this site. Your patience is appreciated.
Open Studios Santa Cruz
My studio doors will be open to the public. I will be displaying my new work for purchase in the place it is created. Visit where I work and see the kiln where all pieces are fired. You will also be able to visit many other of the Tannery studios who are juried into and participating in the event.
Out Of The Fire Presented by Pajaro Valley Arts
I am honored to have two works juried and on display in this exhibit. Come join me and see all the work by other wonderful arts at the opening reception on Sunday August 13th 2:00-4:00.
ACGA Clay and Glass Festival
For two days from 10:00am- 5:00pm. California top Clay and Glass artists will offer their finest work for purchase. More than 100 juried artists will be participating. There will also be live demos, food and drink. Admission is free and valet parking available. Join me at booth 78 to see my latest works for purchase.
Clay & Glass Festival
Bev Zerbib-Berda Pottery will be participating in the ACGA festival in Palo Alto on Saturday and Sunday July 9 & 10 10:00 -5:00.
Visit Bev at booth #6
Wheel thrown vessels decorated with incised and etched botanical designs. These one of a kind pieces reveal the subtle variations of high fire reduction glazes.
For more information about the Association of Clay and Glass Artist of California (ACGA) Festival visit https.//ACGA.net/clay-and-glass festival/
In Hand,By Hand ACGA at Brushstrokes Ceramics Sale.
This event is part of The East Bay Clay Roots tour. A pre and post NCECA coordinated ceramic sale. March 12 11 am-5pm, March 15&19 2-7pm.

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/
The Tannery Winter Art Market
Visit our winter art market where you can find beautifully handmade ceramic gifts that family and friends are sure to enjoy.

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/
Santa Cruz Open Studios Art Tour 2021
Bev Zerbib-Berda Pottery will be showcasing and selling pottery pieces at the Santa Cruz Open Studios Art Tour 2021. She will be located in her studio #120 from 10 am through 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday.
For more information about the Santa Cruz Open Studios Art Tour click here: https://santacruzopenstudios.com/

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/
Silicon Valley Open Studios 2021
Bev Zerbib-Berda Pottery will be showcasing and selling some pottery pieces at the Silicon Valley Open Studios Show. The show will run from 11 am through 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Come visit Bev at site 118.
For more information about the Silicon Valley Open Studios Art Show visit: https://svos.org/
ACGA Clay and Glass Festival 2021
Bev-Zerbib Berda Pottery will be participating in ACGA Palo Alto Show. The event will run from 10 am through 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. You can purchase and view select pottery at the showing. Visit Bev at booth 67.
For more information about the Association of Clay and Glass Artists of California (ACGA) Festival visit https://acga.net/clay-and-glass-festival/

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/

First Friday's Santa Cruz
Visit Bev's studio #120 where all her pottery comes to life every first Friday of the month. Browse and purchase a wide range of her pottery.
For more information about the Tannery Arts Center click here: https://www.tanneryartscenter.org/